Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Airplane to Lima

On the airplane to Lima. Hopefully (fingers crossed), all is well with my bags. Still, the chance that one will be lost is much higher than on the way down: two bags (instead of one) going through two transfers, one of which was not originally set when checking both of them in at Concepcion.

The man sitting next to me is reading a Chilean newspaper with the back-page story translating to something like, "Michelle Obama and Jackie Kennedy comparisons discussed," with several photos of the Obamas (or Michelle) juxtaposed with photos of the Kennedys (or Jackie) where they seem to be wearing very similar styles of clothes. Other than an interesting diversion, I doubt there is any real substance to the story. I mean, "Hey look, Michelle is wearing an orange dress with a string of pearls, and we have a photo of Jackie wearing an orange dress and a string of pearls!" One could likely find a similar photo comparison between Princess Grace and Michelle Obama. However, making that comparison would probably be in "poor taste" no doubt.

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