Monday, July 21, 2008


Via PhysOrg: "A dash of lime -- a new twist that may cut CO2 levels back to pre-industrial levels."

Here's an interesting piece of applied science: sowing the seas with lime (the mineral, not the fruit) to create conditions that are effectively "carbon negative" (i.e., the seas will soak up CO2). What's more interesting is the "open source" nature of the investigation.

From Cquestrate:
We are developing this project in an open source way. There are no patents involved in this process and that is the way we want to keep it. We are opening it up to everyone so that we can draw on the expertise of people who can help us to transform the idea from concept to reality.

By posting any ideas or suggestions onto this website you will be publicly disclosing that information, which will create a broad ‘anti-patent’ space. This will prevent anyone from gaining a patent that could restrict the development of this process. Every contribution will be logged and date-stamped, creating a permanent record, which can be used to challenge anyone trying to gain patents in this area.

By using an open source approach no-one can restrict anyone else from developing this process.

Open source has been successfully used to develop Wikipedia and software such as Linux. As far as we are aware this is the first time it has been used to try to tackle an issue such as climate change.

If you would like to help develop this project, please click through to find out how you can get involved.

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I've already made a comment in the section, but I think it is a very laudable attempt at looking at multiple aspects of a minor geoengineering option to reverse global warming.

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