Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Squirrel: it's what's for dinner (in Britain)

Ahh, the wonders of British cuisine never cease to amaze me. From The Guardian:

It's low in fat, low in food miles and completely free range. In fact, some claim that Sciurus carolinensis - the grey squirrel - is about as ethical a dish as it is possible to serve on a dinner plate.
Mmmm... Where can I sign me up for some squirrel meat?

Now, the idea of eating squirrel is not that new, but where can I get some recipes? A quick search on the Google of "squirrel recipe" led me to:
But looking down the list, I started to see a pattern emerging: the popular squirrel recipes were only on the hunter-type websites. If the UK government is going to support the sale of these wee beasties as food products, then it had best try and come up with some good recipes for them.

"Please sir, can I have some more?"

Now, in all seriousness, the reason why so many grey squirrels are being hunted is due to their being so bloody aggressive in the wilds (and not-so-wilds) of Britain, beating up on their hapless red squirrel cousins. To that end, the Brits have decided to allow target practice to commence upon the grey squirrel.

I wonder what Michigan Squirrels Club would have to say about it? (I think I might offer them some squirrel-on-a-stick come next year...)

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