Friday, March 31, 2006

Weather: Showers illuminated by lightning.

So, the weather was nice walking home at 5:30, and walking down Liberty St. I bumped into Lorcan and Marina on my way home. They were thinking about going for a jog, and I was going to the "Y" to get some swimming in. (I have to worry about my girlish figure, don't you know.)

There were dark clouds threatening to the west when I got to the "Y" to start swimming at 6PM. Swam for 30-40mins (I finally got a pair of goggles at the CCRB on campus for $4!) and then took a nice, long shower. By the time I left (~7PM), it was raining. I went back into the locker room, changed back into my swim trunks, packed my jeans (with the cell phone I'm borrowing from Solomon until May) into my backpack, and went back out to brave the potentially-heavy rainstorm. As I was prepared (somewhat of a boyscout) for the weather, I had brought a waterproof jacket with me. This I draped over my backpack (carrying my data-laden laptop) for the slog back to the apartment.

Well, I started on the 2.5 blocks home, and the water seemed to come down harder and harder each step I took. By the time I was back at Liberty St, my boots were soaking. It seemed as if I was reaping the benedictions of the rain goddess, there was so much rain. A monsoon would have had a hard time matching the volume of rain that fell in that short period of time. By the time I got back home, my boots and socks were as wet as if I had walked through a river, and my shirt was soaked in front.

I got inside the building, took of my boots and socks, went back outside, poured the water out of the boots, wrung out the majority of water from my socks, came back inside, and (with wet and quickly fogging glasses) walked up the stairs, and rang the bell for the apartment. Luckily, Curt was in, and got the door (thanks, dude).

I wish I had my camera with me, because there was a lot of amazing water sheeting across the pavement going on. After divesting myself of the worst of my wet clothes, I stood outside and watched the lightning show for a little bit, trading lightning storm stories with Curt. Lorcan had earlier mentioned gin and tonics on his deck to watch the lightning. Unfortunately, I wasn't about to go back out into the rain for some G&Ts (yes, you can call me a wuss).

Next time, if a thunderstorm is threatening, I will return to the apartment first, collect my water shoes, drop off all electronics, and THEN head off to swim at the "Y". Of course, I probably would have gotten as wet walking home as I was when in the pool if I had done this, but at least I could have taken my time to get home... (Okay, if that last sentance didn't make sense, because of lack of context, then I understand - it doesn't make much logical sense to me, either, but I think it conveys the point... somehow.)

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